Just for Fun

We need to relax. Let's unwind. Today I have here some brain and tongue exercises.
spot the mistake cartoon
This art of resting the mind and the power of dismissing from it all care and worry is probably one of the secrets of energy in our great men. ~J. A. Hadfield

Sometimes the most important thing in a whole day is the rest we take between two deep breaths.~Etty Hillesum 
tongue twister i scream
 I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!

twister tongue clam cram
 How can a clam cram in a clean cream can?

 i saw susie artwork
I saw Susie sitting in a shoe shine shop. 
Where she sits she shines, and where she shines she sits.

rory the warrior tongue twister
 Rory the warrior and Roger the worrier were reared wrongly in a rural brewery.

for fun roberta run rings
 Roberta ran rings around the Roman ruins.

tongue twister collection

If Stu chews shoes, should Stu choose the shoes he chews?