
swallow the pride artwork
Temper gets you into trouble. Pride keeps you there. ~author unknown

A proud man is always looking down on things and people; and, of course, as long as you're looking down, you can't see something that's above you. ~C. S. Lewis

The greatest obstacle to true reconciliation and peace is pride. Many of our relationships would have been healed, or would have prospered, if we knew how to swallow our pride, which someone beautifully described, as the only poison which, when swallowed, can cure! ~Fr. Jerry Orbos


(mymoonlog) said...

Please join my blog..thanks

Ric said...

Thanks mymoonlog! Yes, I'll join your blog. thanks again!

stacy said...

I love your concept. A great way to share your thoughts=D

Ric said...

Thanks for dropping by Stacy, Yes, it is my way of sharing my thoughts. ~thru the images. I'll see your site today. thanks!

AChristiansJourney said...

Love that quote by C.S. Lewis:

A proud man is always looking down on people...thus you can't see something that's above you.