Cheerful Acronym (again)

A sudden noise  woke me up from a deep sleep at 3 am. I can’t go back to sleep so I grabbed a book and started reading. A thought passed through my mind and I scribbled the message. Later I created the graphic illustration below based on that message:
cheerful acronym

Definitely a good reminder for me today.

(By the way, I also thought of another idea for my brother's e-book project. Waking up at the middle of the night (or early morning)  is not so bad after all.) Have a good day, everyone!

the people vectors were taken from 

Planting the Seeds

I was reminded of that lesson while reading last night.  I  remembered the habits of my father. As a young man then, he would ask for seeds from the fruits we eat. Then he would keep and  plant them in our yard. Fast-forward to many years, the trees have grown multiplying its produce  a hundred times. That’s the Law  of the Harvest. Whatever we  plant, we harvest. 

Planting mangoes will give us mangoes.  But.... if we refuse to plant anything will result to nothing. The same is true with our actions. Planting  goodness will result to goodness. Maybe  not today    but some time  in the future. On the contrary  if we choose to plant  unfairness, deceit, cruelty, hatred etc.  will likely to  result to unfavorable harvest. 

How about reaping lasting joy? I like this thought shared  by Bo Sanchez: “The happiest people in the world are those who’ve planted  the most seeds of happiness into others.” And this is perhaps the secret of the truly happy people - Always making the effort of planting and cultivating the seeds of happiness into the lives of others.

Whoever brings blessing will be enriched,

    and one who waters will himself be watered. ~Proverbs 11:25

Framed Pictures

Lately, we’re having problems with the internet connection. As much as I want to accomplish more tasks online, I have no other options but to work offline. I started focusing on other works -  making graphics, taking pictures, doing house chores etc. Somehow it keeps  me busy and productive.

The other day while cleaning, I saw one wooden frame. Then came another idea so I grabbed the camera and made fun with the pictures.  Guess  I’ve discovered the quickest way to put those  photographs inside the frames. Lol!  Let me share some  images.
picture framed

framing image

framed image

frame picture whirlwind

framing photos with quotes

picture frame quote life

framed pictures quote
Have a blessed Sunday!

The Happy and the Unhappy Mugs

Let me share this write-up originally posted on another blogging platform. 
I decided to edit and make a re-post. 
Perhaps a personal reminder  for me to appreciate and enjoy the day!
the two mugs

There goes my mugs. I just noticed them while preparing to work today. And guess what?  They’ve been whispering conflicting thoughts to me this morning.

The unhappy mug expects another day of work. With so much to accomplish, the day could be another drag. There'll be  a lot of sighing and frowning. He’s always not in the mood because he knows that unfavorable circumstances might arise again (and again).

On the other hand, the second mug looks pretty cheerful. Well, he decided to fix a smile on his face. He’s looking at the brighter side. Whether overwhelmed by work  or not, he simply enjoy the day. Maybe he’s in denial  but it seems that things are working in his favor. He has mastered the art of being hopeful. (and I envy him!)

Anyway, my day today  could be a blend of both. There’ll be joys and worries too. Nevertheless, I should keep the happy mug by my side. Better take a sip often and be reminded that the right attitude towards everything plays a vital part.

By the way let me introduce you to my third mug, the laughing mug. 
the laughing mug
Have a wonderful weekend, folks!

Each Day is a Page

Each new day is a page.. our journey’s blank page...
...perhaps the continuation of the previous chapter;
...or the beginning  of a new one.
book page life
It could be new blessing.... or another burden?
Whatever, we have to accept and deal with it...
We are the author... and we’re in charge of the story.
How we react to situations is up to us...
How we make it worthwhile or dragging depends on us. 
But, in spite of the changing life patterns, 
I hope and pray we’ll be able to make wise choices. 
We may not have all the best favors,
We may not have all the great options,
bur let’s make the most of what we have.
Be grateful...and let's keep the ‘good’ in us...

Mark Twain stated it well, 
‘Good friends, good books and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life.’
book text twists